Ohh De Naturale

Interview #31 - Ohh De Naturale

Welcome back to my blog and this week I am bringing to you another very inspirational story and business that you will definitely want to read about. It’s more important than ever to continue to help support small and local businesses during these times and with Mother’s Day right around the corner, it’s the perfect time to buy that something special. Almost all the businesses I have interviewed to this day, each one of them has their own story and meaning behind what they do and why they do it. If you are subscribed to my blog, you would have known from my email this week the importance of meaning and what my blog, Business Anthropi means. So just like this business here, I recommend having a good read and finding out more about how it all got started. 

I am now bringing another business from Brisbane, Ohh De Naturale, an Australian business that aims to produce 100% natural products that are 100% Australian made and sourced that are both beneficial to the user and the environment. With no chemicals, no animal testing and is 100% vegan, Ohh De Naturale provides the everyday person with essential oil blends, masks and balms to name a few that provide those with a healthy alternative to move to chemical-free products and lifestyle. 

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Tanya founded Ohh De Naturale in 2019 with the aim of finding new and alternative products to use in her everyday life that didn’t cost her her health. Ohh De Naturale came about for Tanya after a huge life-changing event and a health scare that has now changed how she views the world and what products especially she allows herself to put on her body. It took one diagnosis of Tanya finding out she carried a specific gene that then prevented her from having successful IVF procedures for 11 years and since then, Tanya has made some drastic life changes. Her main aim was to remove the toxicity from her life and while doing research, finding alternatives deemed to be a challenge. Given the unavailability of such products, she decided to play around and make certain products at home to then having people come up to her and want to wear and use what Tanya has made. This is where Ohh De Naturale started and stemmed from, and since then, Tanya has been able to make healthy swaps in her everyday life to ensure she uses body-friendly products. After these changes, Tanya also now has two sons who are now at her core. 

While doing the interview with Tanya, she told me a story about her eldest son who one day fell and cut his leg, instead of asking for any cream or chemical-based product, he went on to say, “where’s the lavender oil?”. I find this so adorable and commend Tanya for teaching her kids natural and healthy alternatives to heal their bodies, even from just a scrape. 


Tanya is all about finding new and alternative ways to provide her customers with what they want. While having market stores open especially, she would always be asking her customers what they like and what more they want to see. Tanya strives herself and her business on being able to support local farmers and suppliers in Australia that provide and do the exact same thing that big brand companies provide. Through her time running the business and since she has started selling her products, there have been no real challenges that Tanya has had to face product-wise. Everything that she sells has been tested dozens of times, on herself, trialling different formulas so everything has always been in operation and the challenges that others might face. People nowadays are becoming more health-conscious a d also becoming more determined, especially now to help support Australian made. The only thing that has really crossed her path that has been a challenge, is now, trying to provide her customers with a reliable sanitiser and bacterial killer during the virus. There is no such thing as a bacterial killer that is 100% effective, so Tanya had to find ways around and focus on the greater good for what it will be used for. 

When starting Ohh De Naturale, Tanya did tremendous amounts of research trialling different recipes and made sure that she was only using the highest quality of ingredients available to her. An ingredient like shea butter may come from different places and this was a learning curve for Tanya when combining the butter with other ingredients. It’s all about finding the balance with each individual product, making sure to not overpower anything and understanding what oils can be blended together and what can’t. With a business like Ohh De Naturale where customers are purchasing products to use on their body, it is extremely important that the proper research and testing by Tanya was conducted before selling, and that’s exactly what she did. 

What tips would you give to someone starting their own business?

“Don’t rely heavily on social media. Social media can be your best friend but it can also be your enemy as well, all because of the algorithms. I am really dubious of it. I pay for a website and also have social media platforms as well but at the end of the day, the product I’ve got, you are relying on people to feel it, touch it, smell it and try it - you just can’t do that through a screen…Most people have this idea of starting a business and putting it on Instagram and expecting it to blossom overnight but it doesn’t. I have around 600 followers for nearly six months now and yet I can have a pop-up store with a great success rate with people saying ‘i’ll follow you, I’ll follow you!’, yet the number doesn’t change."


The name, Ohh De Naturale is very unique in itself and allows for a point of difference from everyone else selling similar products. Ever since Tanya was a teenager, she was always getting dressed up and wearing makeup, and then soon after, she needed to be well presented for her career. And while doing this, she would always be spraying perfume and when you look at a perfume bottle, you will notice it either says, Eau de toilette or Eau de parfum. Tanya decided to take a spin at this, because her business has strong links to smells and scents, naming her business Ohh De Naturale gives it a quirk, even though they are an Aussie business. 


She hopes, that with her business, that she is able to provide her customers with scrubs, oils and balms that you can feel confident in and be aware that there have been no chemicals being poured over your body. She hopes, that Ohh De Naturale provides a rich experience and provide their customers with optimal health benefits for a healthier future. Her oils, such as the Ritual Oil, does wonders for the skin, especially for those experiencing scarring (read more on her website about further benefits!). This oil is her pride and joy as it is something that was blended amongst a variety of restorative oils to help relieve the scarring that Tanya had. 

For her business, there is always going to be a level of doubt in the back of Tanya’s mind about whether people truly love the products but at the end of the day, she hasn’t jumped in the deep end with all of this. Taking her time and doing the proper research and her results are showing. Because this is something that Tanya has invested so much time and money into without receiving a huge return on investment, it can be hard not to have doubt but she keeps moving forward, knowing that her products are providing people with healthy and rejuvenating alternatives. The future for her business looks strong, so let’s keep it that way.

How would you describe your business in one sentence?

Ohh De Naturale likes to keep it raw, keep it real, keep it natural and provide people with healthy alternatives. 


Thank you for reading my latest interview with Tanya from Ohh De Naturale. I really enjoyed talking with Tanya and learning about not only her business, but also her life experiences which was a major turning point in her life was amazing. Make sure to click this link HERE to follow her on Instagram to see more of the amazing products that she makes and click the link below to go directly to her website.

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