ARose Marketing

Interview #36 - ARose Marketing

Hello everyone and welcome back to Business Anthropi for another blog post with another one of your favourite businesses. This week has been the most hectic yet and I’m sure that next week will be the same, from exams to work to everything in between, the end of the semester can’t come fast enough! Now I know that this post is a little later than usual but I hope that the business I am introducing will make up for that. There is so much potential for the coming weeks about what will be happening with Business Anthropi and I can’t wait to share it with you all! With so many businesses lined up already for their post to new interviews with amazing owners, and a possible refurbishment of the website, it’s endless. 

Now onto the post itself, a few weeks ago now, I had the chance of learning more about the business, ARose Marketing, a newer business whose aim it is to help owners of businesses grow to their full potential and offering a well-rounded approach and service to how they can achieve their goals. From marketing tactics that are not to be feared to various design ventures, they help businesses look the part in this world of competition. 

When I first started writing blog posts or even launched Business Anthropi, I started off by interviewing Amy from Rent My Style Boutique and then a few weeks later, Anabela from La Vita Con Dio and both of these owners are old friends from High School. I think it’s amazing and great to see so many aspiring entrepreneurs around every corner, and it’s even better to have interviewed and to be able to know them as friends for many years. Now you might be wondering, how is this relevant to today’s post? Well, as it turns out, that the owner of ARose Marketing is also an old school friend and I am more than grateful to have had the chance to speak with her about her new and upcoming business that is progressively getting bigger by the day! 

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Alannah is the owner and mastermind being ARose Marketing and having only launched the business officially just under 3 months ago, it is clear to see how far you can take something if you’re passionate. It’s important to Alannah that the service she offers her clients is that none other but the highest of quality and being able to help her clients, being the business owners, answer the questions that they may be too afraid to ask or not know the answer to yet. With the aim of providing an all-rounded approach to marketing and design in order to improve peoples businesses, ARose marketing should be a service that they can utilise in order to get the necessary gains from. And this is what Alannah wants back, is that she is able to help her clients, improve presentation via social media especially and knowing that she can help make them stand out.

Alannah has always had a passion for marketing since she was young and to be able to start her own business is a very positive bonus. Before officially starting and launching ARose Marketing, she had the chance to design a logo for a friend of hers who had a business and just from that, the requests starting pouring in and then figured along the way that this is something she could pursue. As she is currently studying marketing and business at university, she has learnt a lot in the form of theory but has learned so much more from industry experience and the various jobs that she has obtained. Learning so much from managements and about business profitability, she is able to apply what she has learnt to her services. 

What do you love most about your business so far?

“So far I love that I have met other small business owners that are willing to work together, because a lot of people in business can be a little bit chauvinistic and arrogant about their product, business or service and that they don’t realise that businesses can really flourish if they can cooperate with other people and other businesses. So having support from other small business owners has been awesome.”


Before even starting the business, Alannah’s passion for learning about marketing and learning about the world of business has always been something that she focused research into. By following a lot of people of significance in the field of marketing and business, understanding what social media can provide as it is so accessible on top of the immense reading that she does on articles about marketing, the research that she did is very beneficially to the services she offers. 

Her service, as though it may seem like everyone is doing it, Alannah hopes that her clients feel like they can have a genuine relationship where they can chat and have a discussion and for her to be able to get to know her client and their thoughts. By valuing this relationship and being able to make it long-lasting with the proper communication, this process should not be feared and that those who choose ARose Marketing over anyone else know they get quality over profits. It’s important that the experience that Alannah is able to give is that of value and through this, she is able to build her network, make connections and help people with what they love most. 

What tips would you give to someone who is just starting their own business?

“Just do it. It took me so long to just do it because I was always or rather a bit in between because I haven’t finished my degree yet and I haven’t worked enough in the industry, I always feel like who would listen to me, like I’m not good enough or I don’t have the expertise for that and so I have seen my friends start their small businesses and I was like, why don’t I just do it. I spoke to my friend and she was like, just do it, you don’t know until you try and if you don’t get work for three months then you don’t get work for three months, that’s how businesses are when you start them. So just do it, I think just to have the self-confidence to do it.”

Even though the business hasn’t been running for very long, Alannah has very big aspirations for what it hopes to become and what she hopes will become of it. Currently, there is no real target market but rather anyone who comes her way that wants to make a change to how others perceive their business. Through working in a law firm, she has been able to do a lot of staff development and so with the experience, she obtains through work, she hopes that ARose Marketing can broaden in what it is seen to do and not just for design and logos, but all marketing aspects. 

Alannah allows her services to be really personal and individualised which is what makes her stand out and unique from the competitors out there that might perform similar activities. ARose Marketing takes out the double standard that all business is is black and white and the reason many people get approached is for profit’s sake, but this is not the case for Alannah. It’s important that she is able to improve the business and not the bank purely with the level of quality and professionalism that is provided. 


Just like any other business, and I have found this to be a common denominator when it comes to business operation is that no matter what, everyone will have hurdles to jump and obstacles to overcome. This is unique and different for everyone in the business world and solely depends on what that business is providing to the consumer. For Alannah’s case, she has found that the most challenging aspect is that people are redundant to make a phone call. Now this is every person’s opinion, some people like to have a chat on the phone, but when providing a service, this can be tricky, especially when explaining what ARose Marketing does and getting people to understand that this shouldn’t be something that costs thousands of dollars. On top of this, this may not necessarily be a challenge but I find that it is very common among business owners that they must have everything perfect first go. Before launching the business account on Instagram, Alannah actually had the account under a different name where she could re-do everything over and over again to find the perfect layout, the perfect images and what she would hope her Instagram conveys before launching what you see today. 

With experience comes failure and what you see today as ARose Marketing will continue to evolve and expand and grow so even though that this may for now be a side hobby, it will someday take off where Alannah is able to get bigger organisations as clients and make a name for herself. 

How would you describe your business in one sentence?

The perfect vehicle for business owners that are driven and want to make consistent improvements for their own businesses. 

Thank you all for another great read and if you made it to the end, congrats! Make sure to go check out ARose Marketing on Instagram HERE and follow them to find out more about business and what their future brings. I had the best time writing this one so I hope that you all enjoyed reading it as well.

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